Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mount Davis hike

Now that we are well settled into our new apartment it was time to finally explore the nearby hill called Mount Davis. J suggested we hike it this morning and after reading this very insightful entry I was inspired to do some photo documentation of my own.

So we started from Victoria road near the West Island School and climbed up the path with a helpful sign to Mt Davis Road.

Starting Point

Strange little stone sign on the way

View of the Christian Chinese Cemetery 

Walking up to Mt Davis Road

Looking towards the Peak

Pokfulam area

Pokfulam with sea view

Starting the climb up to the Water Reservoir

The views get better

and better

Peak view again

More views

At the reservoir.. strange sign - keep off the straight path because it is dangerous??

One of the old rings on the road, used to hold ropes for pulleys to get the building blocks to the top of the mountain to build the fort

Yup - it is still strong!

Top of Mt Davis - the fort ruins

There was some strange modeling going on.

And to balance that awkward encounter we met these B B Gun enthusiast

Walking back down to Victoria Road

Back on Victoria Road

This reminded me of Greece

Christmas Tree already out


View of victoria road and Cyberport

Watching the sunset from Sandy Bay

The end of a lovely day's exploring.

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